blueprint of the new earth

Working and living in harmony

To my mind, we all have a dream. A feeling and image of the ideal life. You can realize your own dream up to a certain level, but sooner or later you want to share it with those around you. Do you want to share your happiness with others.

My mission is to guide entrepreneurs in their dream. So that they take their place in what I call “the New Earth.” From there arises the world of harmony I deeply desire. A space on earth in which I can be.

our common dream

The New Earth

We often talk about the new earth, but what is the new earth? Surely there is only one earth, many people say. We believe that the new earth rests and is being built on the foundation of the old earth, that it is a shift in consciousness that the earth and its inhabitants are going through. Below I describe my vision…

“The new earth is a world where we live together in harmony with each other and nature. Everyone is of equal importance, standing in their own place, carrying themselves, but also working together again from autonomy. Not because we have to from pressure or survival, but from joy, meaning and inspiration. All collaborations and creations arise from the spark and color of each person’s essence. As a result, all forms, structures, products and services consist of a warm connection, and everyone involved makes their unique contribution from free will, so that the warmth and inspiration is present in all creations.

We do not offer a battle against existing patterns or structures, but enclose everything and also take responsibility on a collective and ancestral level, so that we do not reject everything that blocks but rather integrate it so that it can be transformed along with it. Everyone takes responsibility for his or her own choices and experiences the consequences. It is not choosing sides in the polarity, but honoring and receiving both sides so that a bridge arises between different people, opinions, peoples, visions, religions, etc.

Because there is no competition, there is also no manipulation and power, and we can make choices at all times for our well-being, that of nature and consider the generations after us. A space is created for innovative and sustainable ideas and creations that do not harm Mother Earth. Thus, nature blossoms and we live more and more together. Technology is used in the service of our human nature, creating more being-space, and more space for an animated life.

By restoring and empowering connections among ourselves, we create a sense of “us”, which provides warmth and security for our children and elders. We offer support to each other’s development and processes without carrying so that no dependencies and entanglements arise. Sovereignty becomes an important value through which new earth relationships flourish, generating an alchemical fire, with lots of connection between the cosmos and earth, and the masculine and feminine. From this new earth energy, where the light in all of us is strengthened, new forms of business, organization, education, governance, community, all reinforcing each other, emerge.

Earth becomes a place of peace, harmony where we learn our lessons on another level. We transcend duality, which was about having to learn lessons through pain and suffering, and transform into a conscious society. A world with the realization that we are all one, and another’s pain is also our pain. We take our universal place as new humans, becoming an evolved civilization.

From vision to:


My primary focus is on supporting leaders who have an important task for the collective. My desire is that they contribute to the whole, a better world from their own company and mission.

As each one stands in their place and becomes aware of their unique contribution, the New Earth naturally emerges.

It is my mission to support entrepreneurs in their sacred path. Just where the usual paths stop, and no overview is left, I offer clarity. I gradually bring the blueprint of the business or creation into contact. And through coaching and transformation work compatibility arises, creating a space for the creation to come down to earth.

The invisible world around us became more and more tangible and the creations are consciously connected to the web of life. The grid of new earth creations.

Address: Ottermeerweg 2 | 4725 PZ Wouwse Plantage
tel: 31 (0) 645288727

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