The dream world as reality

From dream to reality

We all have a blueprint; the book of life that contains all the lessons, agreements and possibilities. This energetic space is called by indigenous peoples, the dream world. This world is more real to them than the physical world.

Your blueprint stores all the gifts of who you are; powers from past lives and qualities from your ancestral lines. And most importantly:

Your unique signature, your gift to the New Earth….

geometric patterns

Your unique vibration

Everything in the world around us is made up of geometric patterns. All these elements have their own unique frequency. When energy is trapped from trauma, for example, it creates a distorted vibration.

This dissonance is then reflected in your life. Your business doesn’t run smoothly, money flows out, or there is less fulfillment in your daily activities. You may even get sick or burnout if you are in this vibration for too long.

By taking the journey within and transforming stuck emotions, more of your essence comes into your physical reality. The result: more fulfillment, inspiration and flow.

You begin to vibrate from your own frequency. You sing your own song and begin to attract what belongs to you,

new relationships, friends, ideas and customers.

What is a blueprint?

The mystical world of the blueprint

Many of our gifts are not always tangible. For a long time, I had no words for what I was doing. However, the effect was palpable for my clients. Below I explain something about the blueprint.

Blueprint activation

Business Blueprint

In the Blueprint Activation for entrepreneurs, I work with the “Business Blueprint.” A geometric pattern which exists from universal laws. It has the ancient medicine wheel of the indigenous peoples as its foundation.

This model takes you step by step through all dimensions of your being, releasing power in each area of life, and from there your unique blueprint becomes visible. This model is energetically charged and at the same time a road map that we will gradually follow.


What are your motivations? What is your deepest desire? What are you running into? What could be better?

Sacred space

In sacred space, we become detached from external factors, making room for change.


Where is there still a tension between your dream, your blueprint and the current situation?


After creating space, we can touch the core and transform from within.


With all the energy raised, there is enough force to get past the dead point and break free.


Now the subtler layers of your being become palpable and your unique wiring becomes palpable.


Because you have landed in your essence, your creation or business can also take its natural form.

Next level consultancy

Blueprint for your business

When you come back from work too tired, your business is demanding too much energy and you no longer have an overview, there is a good chance that your business is already in a transition that you yourself are behind. Your business was developed with the set of beliefs and conditioning you had up until now. But moving to the next phase often requires a completely new mind-set and approach.

The beauty is, the blueprint of a perfectly running business is already there. Every system naturally wants to move toward balance. It is we ourselves who often still get in the way of that process. You can only automate and grow when the foundation is strong. If certain workflows don’t work well, you yourself fill in all the gaps.

In blueprint coaching, I put you in touch with what areas you are not yet in alignment with the new blueprint of your business. We go step by step through all blockages and energy leaks. New frameworks, forms of work, package pricing, product terms, etc., emerge that are completely aligned with your wiring and the vision of your business.

By working directly with the blueprint, we automate the flow of energy and the outside world, clients, customers and projects follow naturally.

Address: Ottermeerweg 2 | 4725 PZ Wouwse Plantage
tel: 31 (0) 645288727

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